Our podcast with eCommerce Masterplan’s Chloe Thomas

Our podcast with eCommerce Masterplan’s Chloe Thomas

Our CEO Ian Hammersley had the pleasure of joining Ecommerce Masterplan’s Chloe Thomas for an insightful podcast focused on top KPI and optimisation tips for an eCommerce website.

For those of you that know us, both our founder brothers Ian & Mark are extremely passionate about eCommerce, and it’s all they talk about! They spent a year discussing and pulling together ideas for a book to help eCommerce businesses grow their revenue and it’s been released and gathered some fantastic feedback.

In this podcast, Ian takes the top tips from his book and the main KPI’s and breaks them down into easily digestible information and insightful stats to help anyone working in eCommerce.

You can get a copy of Ian & Mark’s book here.

You can listen to his podcast here.


And for those of you that would love to chat with Ian about your particular eCommerce ambitions, he’s yours for the price of a cappuccino! In all seriousness, he’s really passionate about arming businesses with the tools they need to grow and he loves to meet for a coffee and help in any way he can. To do that just get in touch and request a meeting with him.

January 2, 2008

Behind the scenes at Smartebusiness


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