Magento Checkout Page Design

Magento Checkout Page Design

Now we will look at which check out is best for your demographic and buyer type.

Checkout pages are very important to get right as all your revenue goes through

them. With split testing this is the best place to go and get extra revenue and some of the factors

we have already talked about will be relevant here. Your average items per basket will dictate how quickly you want them to go through checkout and whether you want upsells. If you sell shoes then often these are the only thing bought and so the focus should be on getting people to the checkout ASAP.  If you sell spices then often you will have on average 4 or 5 items per basket and so you will want to help people find the other items for their basket quickly with intuitive navigation.  Basket and checkout pages are a very important area to optimise and get right.  If the buyer is confident you might want to get quickly through checkout. If the buyer is nervous you may want to reinforce why they should buy your product on these check out pages.

Now we will look at some sites . Some are clients and some are friends sites.


Outdoor clothes ( – Bivouac


These guys sell camping and outdoor equipment.


This is the one page checkout popular with many Magento stores.


Trade Tested (

This is the one-step checkout and is available as an extension for Magento


These are the two checkout options I would recommend.  It’s going to depend on the product sold but most of the split tests I have done have come out with the one-step checkout on top.  But it’s not one size fits all so set a split test on these two layouts using a tool like Google Analytics Experiments to find your winner.

December 25, 2013

Behind the scenes at Smartebusiness


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